ChartDirector 6.0 (ColdFusion Edition)

Pareto Chart

This example demonstrates the pareto chart style.

A pareto chart is a bar chart with the data sorted in descending order, together with a line chart showing the same data in accumulated form. In the current example, the data is shown as both percentages and values on the two y-axes.

The chart in this example is composed of two layers - a BarLayer created using XYChart.addBarLayer, and a LineLayer created using XYChart.addLineLayer.

This example employs the ArrayMath utility class for computing the accumulated line, obtaining the scaling factor between the two y-axes, and re-scaling the line data as percentages.

The two y-axes are synchronized using Axis.syncAxis.

Source Code Listing

[File: cfdemo/pareto.cfm]

// ChartDirector for ColdFusion API Access Point
cd = CreateObject("java", "ChartDirector.CFChart");

// A utility to allow us to create arrays with data in one line of code
function Array() {
    var result = ArrayNew(1);
    var i = 0;
    for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(arguments); i = i + 1)
        result[i] = arguments[i];
    return result;

// The data for the chart
data = Array(40, 15, 7, 5, 2);

// The labels for the chart
labels = Array("Hard Disk", "PCB", "Printer", "CDROM", "Keyboard");

// In the pareto chart, the line data are just the accumulation of the raw data, scaled to a range
// of 0 - 100%
lineData = cd.ArrayMath(data);
scaleFactor = lineData.max() / 100;
if (scaleFactor EQ 0) {
    // Avoid division by zero error for zero data
    scaleFactor = 1;

// Create a XYChart object of size 480 x 300 pixels. Set background color to brushed silver, with a
// grey (bbbbbb) border and 2 pixel 3D raised effect. Use rounded corners. Enable soft drop shadow.
c = cd.XYChart(400, 300, cd.brushedSilverColor(), "0xbbbbbb", 2);

// Add a title to the chart using 15 points Arial Italic. Set top/bottom margins to 12 pixels.
title = c.addTitle("Pareto Chart Demonstration", "Arial Italic", 15);
title.setMargin2(0, 0, 12, 12);

// Tentatively set the plotarea at (50, 40). Set the width to 100 pixels less than the chart width,
// and the height to 80 pixels less than the chart height. Use pale grey (f4f4f4) background,
// transparent border, and dark grey (444444) dotted grid lines.
c.setPlotArea(50, 40, c.getWidth() - 100, c.getHeight() - 80, "0xf4f4f4", -1, cd.Transparent,
    c.dashLineColor("0x444444", cd.DotLine));

// Add a line layer for the pareto line
lineLayer = c.addLineLayer2();

// Add the pareto line using deep blue (0000ff) as the color, with circle symbols
lineLayer.addDataSet(lineData.result(), "0x0000ff").setDataSymbol(cd.CircleShape, 9, "0x0000ff",

// Set the line width to 2 pixel

// Bind the line layer to the secondary (right) y-axis.

// Tool tip for the line layer
lineLayer.setHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='Top {={x}+1} items: {value|2}%'");

// Add a multi-color bar layer using the given data.
barLayer = c.addBarLayer3(data);

// Set soft lighting for the bars with light direction from the right
barLayer.setBorderColor(cd.Transparent, cd.softLighting(cd.Right));

// Tool tip for the bar layer
barLayer.setHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='{xLabel}: {value} pieces'");

// Set the labels on the x axis.

// Set the secondary (right) y-axis scale as 0 - 100 with a tick every 20 units
c.yAxis2().setLinearScale(0, 100, 20);

// Set the format of the secondary (right) y-axis label to include a percentage sign

// Set the relationship between the two y-axes, which only differ by a scaling factor
c.yAxis().syncAxis(c.yAxis2(), scaleFactor);

// Set the format of the primary y-axis label foramt to show no decimal point

// Add a title to the primary y-axis

// Set all axes to transparent

// Adjust the plot area size, such that the bounding box (inclusive of axes) is 10 pixels from the
// left edge, just below the title, 10 pixels from the right edge, and 20 pixels from the bottom
// edge.
c.packPlotArea(10, title.getHeight(), c.getWidth() - 10, c.getHeight() - 20);

// Output the chart
chart1URL = c.makeSession(GetPageContext(), "chart1", cd.JPG);

// Include tool tip for the chart
imageMap1 = c.getHTMLImageMap("");

<body style="margin:5px 0px 0px 5px">
<div style="font-size:18pt; font-family:verdana; font-weight:bold">
    Pareto Chart
<hr style="border:solid 1px #000080" />
<div style="font-size:9pt; font-family:verdana; margin-bottom:1.5em">
    <a href='viewsource.cfm?file=#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#'>View Source Code</a>
<img src="getchart.cfm?#chart1URL#" usemap="##map1" border="0" />
<map name="map1">#imageMap1#</map>