ChartDirector 7.0 (Python Edition)


The AngularAxis class represents angular axes in polar charts. The angular axis is the axis representing the angular component of a polar coordinate.

setLabelStyle(Self)Sets the font style used to for the axis labels.
setLabelGap(Self)Sets the distance between the axis labels and the axis.
setLabels(Self)Sets the text labels to be used on the axis.
setLabels2(Self)Sets the numeric labels to be used on the axis.
addLabel(Self)Adds an extra label on the axis.
setLinearScale(Self)Sets the axis to use the given linear scale.
setLinearScale2(Self)Sets the axis to use the given linear scale and the given labels.
addZone(Self)Adds an angular zone to the polar chart.
addZone2(Self)Adds an angular zone to the polar chart.
getHTMLImageMap(Self)Generates an HTML image map for the axis labels.
getAxisImageMap(Self)Generates an HTML image map for the axis itself.