ChartDirector 7.1 (C++ Edition)

Contour Plot Cross Section

This example demonstrates adding cross sections to a contour chart.

After drawing a contour chart, ContourLayer.getCrossSection can be used to obtain the cross section between two given points on the chart. The cross section is represented as the z values along the straight line joining the two points. In this example, these z values are used to plot area charts to visualize the cross sections.

The main source code listing of this sample program is included at the end of this section. The code consists of the following main parts:

Source Code Listing

[MFC version] mfcdemo/ContourCrossSectionDlg.cpp
// CContourCrossSectionDlg.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "mfcdemo.h" #include "ContourCrossSectionDlg.h" #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <assert.h> #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif // // Constructor // CContourCrossSectionDlg::CContourCrossSectionDlg(CWnd* pParent) : CDialogEx(IDD_CONTOURCROSSSECTION, pParent) { m_ContourLayer = 0; m_crossHairX = 0; m_crossHairY = 0; m_isDragging = Drag_None; m_dragOffset = 0; SetBackgroundColor(0x00FFFFFF); } // // Destructor // CContourCrossSectionDlg::~CContourCrossSectionDlg() { delete m_ChartViewer.getChart(); delete m_CrossSectionViewerX.getChart(); delete m_CrossSectionViewerY.getChart(); } void CContourCrossSectionDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialogEx::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ChartViewer, m_ChartViewer); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CrossSectionViewerX, m_CrossSectionViewerX); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CrossSectionViewerY, m_CrossSectionViewerY); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CContourCrossSectionDlg, CDialogEx) ON_CONTROL(CVN_MouseMoveChart, IDC_ChartViewer, OnMouseMoveChart) END_MESSAGE_MAP() // // Initialization // BOOL CContourCrossSectionDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialogEx::OnInitDialog(); drawChart(&m_ChartViewer); return TRUE; } // // Draw the chart // void CContourCrossSectionDlg::drawChart(CChartViewer* viewer) { // The x and y coordinates of the grid double dataX[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; const int dataX_len = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX)); double dataY[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; const int dataY_len = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX)); std::vector<double> dataZ(dataX_len * dataY_len); // Pseudo-random data for he z-coordinates double pi = acos(-1); for (int iY = 0; iY < dataY_len; ++iY) { double y = dataY[iY]; double ay = 11 * cos(iY * pi * 2 / (dataY_len - 1) + 1.1673); for (int iX = 0; iX < dataX_len; ++iX) { double x = dataX[iX]; double ax = 11 * cos(iX * pi * 2 / (dataX_len - 1) + 0.8629); dataZ[iY * dataX_len + iX] = 20 + ((ax + 0.43) * sin(y) + (ay + 0.9166) * sin(x) + 0.0998) * sin((1 + fabs(x) / 10.0) * (1 + fabs(y) / 10.0) * 0.6667); } } // Create a XYChart object of size 575 x 525 pixels XYChart* c = new XYChart(575, 525); // Set the plotarea at (75, 40) and of size 450 x 450 pixels. Use semi-transparent black // (af000000) dotted lines for both horizontal and vertical grid lines PlotArea* p = c->setPlotArea(75, 30, 450, 450, -1, -1, -1, c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1); // Set the chart and axis titles c->addTitle(" <*block,bgcolor=FFFF00*> *** Drag Crosshair to Move Cross Section *** <*/*>", "Arial Bold", 15); c->xAxis()->setTitle("X-Axis Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10); c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y-Axis Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10); // Put the y-axis on the right side of the chart c->setYAxisOnRight(); // Set x-axis and y-axis labels to use 10pt Arial font c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); // When auto-scaling, use tick spacing of 40 pixels as a guideline c->yAxis()->setTickDensity(40); c->xAxis()->setTickDensity(40); // Add a contour layer using the given data m_ContourLayer = c->addContourLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, dataX_len), DoubleArray(dataY, dataY_len), DoubleArray(&dataZ[0], (int)dataZ.size())); // Enable contour label using 10pt Arial Bold font m_ContourLayer->setContourLabelFormat("<*font=Arial Bold,size=10*>{value}<*/font*>"); // Move the grid lines in front of the contour layer c->getPlotArea()->moveGridBefore(m_ContourLayer); // Add a vertical color axis (the legend) at x = 0 at the same y-position as the plot area. ColorAxis* cAxis = m_ContourLayer->setColorAxis(0, p->getTopY(), Chart::TopLeft, p->getHeight(), Chart::Right); // Use continuous gradient coloring (as opposed to step colors) cAxis->setColorGradient(true); // Add a title to the color axis using 10pt Arial Bold Italic font cAxis->setTitle("Color Legend Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10); // Set color axis labels to use 10pt Arial font cAxis->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); // Set the chart image to the WinChartViewer viewer->setChart(c); // Tooltip for the contour chart viewer->setImageMap(c->getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='<*cdml*><*font=Arial Bold*>X={x|2}\nY={y|2}\nZ={z|2}'")); // Initializse the crosshair position to the center of the chart m_crossHairX = p->getLeftX() + p->getWidth() / 2; m_crossHairY = p->getTopY() + p->getHeight() / 2; // Draw the cross section and crosshair drawCrossSectionX(&m_CrossSectionViewerX); drawCrossSectionY(&m_CrossSectionViewerY); drawCrossHair(viewer); } // // Draw the X cross section // void CContourCrossSectionDlg::drawCrossSectionX(CChartViewer* viewer) { // Get data of the vertical cross section data at the given x coordinate XYChart* mainChart = (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer.getChart(); PlotArea* p = mainChart->getPlotArea(); DoubleArray z = m_ContourLayer->getCrossSection(m_crossHairX, p->getBottomY(), m_crossHairX, p->getTopY()); // Create XYChat of the same height as the main chart. Align the plot area with that of the // main chart. XYChart* c = new XYChart(100, mainChart->getHeight()); c->setPlotArea(10, p->getTopY(), c->getWidth() - 22, p->getHeight(), -1, -1, -1, c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1); // The vertical chart will have the x-axis vertical and y-axis horizontal. Synchroinze the // vertical axis (x-axis) with the y-axis of the main chart. Synchroinze the horizontal // axis (y-axis) with the color axis. c->swapXY(); c->xAxis()->syncAxis(mainChart->yAxis()); c->yAxis()->syncScale(m_ContourLayer->colorAxis()); // The vertical axis (x-axis) does not need labels as it is aligned with the main chart y-axis. c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::Transparent); // Rotate the horizontal axis (y-axis) labels by 270 degrees c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::TextColor, 270); // Add an area layer using the cross section data and the color scale of the color axis. int scaleColor = c->yScaleColor(m_ContourLayer->colorAxis()->getColorScale()); AreaLayer* layer = c->addAreaLayer(z, scaleColor); layer->setBorderColor(Chart::SameAsMainColor); layer->setXData(mainChart->getYValue(p->getBottomY()), mainChart->getYValue(p->getTopY())); // Display the chart delete viewer->getChart(); viewer->setChart(c); } // // Draw the Y cross section // void CContourCrossSectionDlg::drawCrossSectionY(CChartViewer* viewer) { // Get the vertical horizontal section data at the given y coordinate XYChart* mainChart = (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer.getChart(); PlotArea* p = mainChart->getPlotArea(); DoubleArray z = m_ContourLayer->getCrossSection(p->getLeftX(), m_crossHairY, p->getRightX(), m_crossHairY); // Create XYChat of the same width as the main chart. Align the plot area with that of the // main chart. XYChart* c = new XYChart(mainChart->getWidth(), 100); c->setPlotArea(p->getLeftX(), 10, p->getWidth(), c->getHeight() - 22, -1, -1, -1, c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1); // Synchroinze the x-axis with the x-axis of the main chart. Synchroinze the y-axis with the // color axis. c->xAxis()->syncAxis(mainChart->xAxis()); c->yAxis()->syncScale(m_ContourLayer->colorAxis()); // The x-axis does not need labels as it is aligned with the main chart x-axis. c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::Transparent); // Add an area layer using the cross section data and the color scale of the color axis. int scaleColor = c->yScaleColor(m_ContourLayer->colorAxis()->getColorScale()); AreaLayer* layer = c->addAreaLayer(z, scaleColor); layer->setBorderColor(Chart::SameAsMainColor); layer->setXData(mainChart->getXValue(p->getLeftX()), mainChart->getXValue(p->getRightX())); // Display the chart delete viewer->getChart(); viewer->setChart(c); } // // Draw the crosshair, which is just two straight lines // void CContourCrossSectionDlg::drawCrossHair(CChartViewer* viewer) { // Get the chart to draw the crosshair on. XYChart* c = (XYChart*)viewer->getChart(); // The crosshair will be drawn on the dynamic layer of the chart. DrawArea* d = c->initDynamicLayer(); // Add two lines across the plot area of the chart PlotArea* p = c->getPlotArea(); d->line(m_crossHairX, p->getTopY(), m_crossHairX, p->getBottomY(), 0x000000, 2); d->line(p->getLeftX(), m_crossHairY, p->getRightX(), m_crossHairY, 0x000000, 2); // Update the display viewer->updateDisplay(); } // // Handle mouse dragging of the crosshair // void CContourCrossSectionDlg::OnMouseMoveChart() { CChartViewer* viewer = &m_ChartViewer; int mouseX = viewer->getChartMouseX(); int mouseY = viewer->getChartMouseY(); if ((GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x100) != 0) { // // If the mouse is near the crosshair while the mouse button is pressed, then it is drag // dragging the crosshair and we need to update the contour projection. // if ((m_isDragging == Drag_Vertical) && (m_crossHairX != mouseX - m_dragOffset)) { // Is dragging the vertical crosshair line m_crossHairX = viewer->getPlotAreaMouseX(); drawCrossSectionX(&m_CrossSectionViewerX); drawCrossHair(viewer); } if ((m_isDragging == Drag_Horizontal) && (m_crossHairY != mouseY - m_dragOffset)) { // Is dragging the horizontal crosshair line m_crossHairY = viewer->getPlotAreaMouseY(); drawCrossSectionY(&m_CrossSectionViewerY); drawCrossHair(viewer); } } else { // // If mouse is near the crosshair, it can drag it by pressing the mouse button. // if (abs(m_dragOffset = mouseX - m_crossHairX) <= 8) m_isDragging = Drag_Vertical; // Mouse is a position to drag the vertical line else if (abs(m_dragOffset = mouseY - m_crossHairY) <= 8) m_isDragging = Drag_Horizontal; // Mouse is a position to drag the horizontal line else m_isDragging = Drag_None; } }

[Qt Widgets version] qtdemo/contourcrosssection.cpp
#include <math.h> #include <QLabel> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QMouseEvent> #include "contourcrosssection.h" #include "chartdir.h" // // Constructor // ContourCrossSection::ContourCrossSection(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { // // Set up the GUI // setStyleSheet("background-color:white;"); setFixedSize(700, 650); setWindowTitle("Contour Cross Section"); // Main Chart Viewer m_ChartViewer = new QChartViewer(this); m_ChartViewer->setGeometry(15, 15, 575, 525); connect(m_ChartViewer, SIGNAL(mouseMove(QMouseEvent *)), SLOT(onMouseMovePlotArea(QMouseEvent *))); // Chart Viewer for X Cross Section m_CrossSectionViewerX = new QChartViewer(this); m_CrossSectionViewerX->setGeometry(595, 15, 100, 525); // Chart Viewer for Y Cross Section m_CrossSectionViewerY = new QChartViewer(this); m_CrossSectionViewerY->setGeometry(15, 540, 570, 100); m_ContourLayer = 0; m_xTrackPosition = 0; m_yTrackPosition = 0; m_isDragging = Drag_None; m_dragOffset = 0; // Draw the Chart drawChart(m_ChartViewer); } // // Destructor // ContourCrossSection::~ContourCrossSection() { delete m_ChartViewer->getChart(); delete m_CrossSectionViewerX->getChart(); delete m_CrossSectionViewerY->getChart(); } // // Draw chart // void ContourCrossSection::drawChart(QChartViewer *viewer) { // // The random data used in this example // double dataX[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; const int dataX_len = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX)); double dataY[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; const int dataY_len = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX)); std::vector<double> dataZ(dataX_len * dataY_len); double pi = acos(-1); for (int iY = 0; iY < dataY_len; ++iY) { double y = dataY[iY]; double ay = 11 * cos(iY * pi * 2 / (dataY_len - 1) + 1.1673); for (int iX = 0; iX < dataX_len; ++iX) { double x = dataX[iX]; double ax = 11 * cos(iX * pi * 2 / (dataX_len - 1) + 0.8629); dataZ[iY * dataX_len + iX] = 20 + ((ax + 0.43) * sin(y) + (ay + 0.9166) * sin(x) + 0.0998) * sin((1 + fabs(x) / 10.0) * (1 + fabs(y) / 10.0) * 0.6667); } } // Create a XYChart object of size 575 x 525 pixels XYChart* c = new XYChart(575, 525); // Set the plotarea at (75, 40) and of size 400 x 400 pixels. Use semi-transparent black // (80000000) dotted lines for both horizontal and vertical grid lines PlotArea* p = c->setPlotArea(75, 30, 450, 450, -1, -1, -1, c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1); // Set the chart and axis titles c->addTitle(" <*block,bgcolor=FFFF00*> *** Drag Crosshair to Move Cross Section *** <*/*>", "Arial Bold", 15); c->xAxis()->setTitle("X-Axis Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10); c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y-Axis Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10); // In this example, we put the y-axis on the right side of the chart c->setYAxisOnRight(); // Set x-axis and y-axis labels to use 10pt Arial font c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); // When auto-scaling, use tick spacing of 40 pixels as a guideline c->yAxis()->setTickDensity(40); c->xAxis()->setTickDensity(40); // Add a contour layer using the given data m_ContourLayer = c->addContourLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, dataX_len), DoubleArray(dataY, dataY_len), DoubleArray(&dataZ[0], (int)dataZ.size())); // Enable contour label using 10pt Arial Bold font m_ContourLayer->setContourLabelFormat("<*font=Arial Bold,size=10*>{value}<*/font*>"); // Move the grid lines in front of the contour layer c->getPlotArea()->moveGridBefore(m_ContourLayer); // Add a vertical color axis (the legend) at x = 0 at the same y-position as the plot area. ColorAxis* cAxis = m_ContourLayer->setColorAxis(0, p->getTopY(), Chart::TopLeft, p->getHeight(), Chart::Right); // Use continuous gradient coloring (as opposed to step colors) cAxis->setColorGradient(true); // Add a title to the color axis using 12 points Arial Bold Italic font cAxis->setTitle("Color Legend Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10); // Set color axis labels to use Arial Bold font cAxis->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); // Set the chart image to the WinChartViewer viewer->setChart(c); // Tooltip for the contour chart viewer->setImageMap(c->getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='<*cdml*><*font=Arial Bold*>X={x|2}\nY={y|2}\nZ={z|2}'")); // Draw the cross section drawCrossSectionX(m_xTrackPosition = (p->getLeftX() + p->getRightX()) / 2); drawCrossSectionY(m_yTrackPosition = (p->getTopY() + p->getBottomY()) / 2); drawCrossHair(viewer); } // // Draw the X cross section // void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossSectionX(int x) { XYChart* c = (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer->getChart(); drawCrossSectionX(m_CrossSectionViewerX, (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer->getChart(), m_ContourLayer, x); m_CrossSectionViewerX->updateDisplay(); } void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossSectionX(QChartViewer* viewer, XYChart* mainChart, ContourLayer* contourLayer, int x) { // Get the vertical cross section data at the given x coordinate PlotArea* p = mainChart->getPlotArea(); DoubleArray z = contourLayer->getCrossSection(x, p->getBottomY(), x, p->getTopY()); // Create XYChat of the same height as the main chart. Align the plot area with that of the // main chart. XYChart* c = new XYChart(100, mainChart->getHeight()); c->setPlotArea(10, p->getTopY(), c->getWidth() - 22, p->getHeight(), -1, -1, -1, c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1); // The vertical chart will have the x-axis vertical and y-axis horizontal. Synchroinze the // vertical axis (x-axis) with the y-axis of the main chart. Synchroinze the horizontal // axis (y-axis) with the color axis. c->swapXY(); c->xAxis()->syncAxis(mainChart->yAxis()); c->yAxis()->syncScale(contourLayer->colorAxis()); // The vertical axis (x-axis) does not need labels as it is aligned with the main chart y-axis. c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::Transparent); // Rotate the horizontal axis (y-axis) labels by 270 degrees c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::TextColor, 270); // Add an area layer using the cross section data and the color scale of the color axis. AreaLayer* layer = c->addAreaLayer(z, c->yScaleColor(contourLayer->colorAxis()->getColorScale())); layer->setBorderColor(Chart::SameAsMainColor); layer->setXData(mainChart->getYValue(p->getBottomY()), mainChart->getYValue(p->getTopY())); // Display the chart delete viewer->getChart(); viewer->setChart(c); } // // Draw the Y cross section // void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossSectionY(int y) { drawCrossSectionY(m_CrossSectionViewerY, (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer->getChart(), m_ContourLayer, y); m_CrossSectionViewerY->updateDisplay(); } void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossSectionY(QChartViewer* viewer, XYChart* mainChart, ContourLayer* contourLayer, int y) { // Get the vertical horizontal section data at the given y coordinate PlotArea* p = mainChart->getPlotArea(); DoubleArray z = contourLayer->getCrossSection(p->getLeftX(), y, p->getRightX(), y); // Create XYChat of the same width as the main chart. Align the plot area with that of the // main chart. XYChart* c = new XYChart(mainChart->getWidth(), 100); c->setPlotArea(p->getLeftX(), 10, p->getWidth(), c->getHeight() - 22, -1, -1, -1, c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1); // Synchroinze the x-axis with the x-axis of the main chart. Synchroinze the y-axis with the // color axis. c->xAxis()->syncAxis(mainChart->xAxis()); c->yAxis()->syncScale(contourLayer->colorAxis()); // The x-axis does not need labels as it is aligned with the main chart x-axis. c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::Transparent); AreaLayer* layer = c->addAreaLayer(z, c->yScaleColor(contourLayer->colorAxis()->getColorScale())); layer->setBorderColor(Chart::SameAsMainColor); layer->setXData(mainChart->getXValue(p->getLeftX()), mainChart->getXValue(p->getRightX())); // Display the chart delete viewer->getChart(); viewer->setChart(c); } // // Draw the crosshair, which is just two straight lines // void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossHair(QChartViewer* viewer) { // Get the chart to draw the crosshair on. XYChart* c = (XYChart*)viewer->getChart(); // The crosshair will be drawn on the dynamic layer of the chart. DrawArea* d = c->initDynamicLayer(); // Add two lines across the plot area of the chart PlotArea* p = c->getPlotArea(); d->line(m_xTrackPosition, p->getTopY(), m_xTrackPosition, p->getBottomY(), 0x000000, 2); d->line(p->getLeftX(), m_yTrackPosition, p->getRightX(), m_yTrackPosition, 0x000000, 2); // Update the display viewer->updateDisplay(); } // // Handle mouse dragging of the crosshair // void ContourCrossSection::onMouseMovePlotArea(QMouseEvent *event) { QChartViewer* viewer = m_ChartViewer; XYChart* c = (XYChart*)viewer->getChart(); PlotArea* p = c->getPlotArea(); int mouseX = viewer->getChartMouseX(); int mouseY = viewer->getChartMouseY(); // Drag occurs if mouse is moving and mouse button is down if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { // // If the mouse is near the crosshair while the mouse button is pressed, then it is drag // dragging the crosshair and we need to update the contour projection. // if ((m_isDragging == Drag_Vertical) && (m_xTrackPosition != mouseX - m_dragOffset)) { // Is dragging the vertical crosshair line m_xTrackPosition = (std::max)(p->getLeftX(), (std::min)(p->getRightX(), mouseX - m_dragOffset)); drawCrossSectionX(m_xTrackPosition); drawCrossHair(viewer); } if ((m_isDragging == Drag_Horizontal) && (m_yTrackPosition != mouseY - m_dragOffset)) { // Is dragging the horizontal crosshair line m_yTrackPosition = (std::max)(p->getTopY(), (std::min)(p->getBottomY(), mouseY - m_dragOffset)); drawCrossSectionY(m_yTrackPosition); drawCrossHair(viewer); } } else { // // If mouse is near the crosshair, it can drag it by pressing the mouse button. // if (abs(m_dragOffset = mouseX - m_xTrackPosition) <= 8) m_isDragging = Drag_Vertical; // Mouse is a position to drag the vertical line else if (abs(m_dragOffset = mouseY - m_yTrackPosition) <= 8) m_isDragging = Drag_Horizontal; // Mouse is a position to drag the horizontal line else m_isDragging = Drag_None; } }