ChartDirector 7.1 (.NET Edition)



[C#]public void StreamImage(byte[] image [, string filename [, bool asAttachment ]]);
[VB]Public Sub StreamImage(image As Byte() [, filename As String [, asAttachment As Boolean ]])


Sends the image out as a MIME stream.

The optional filename argument is the suggested filename in case it is needed on the browser side. For example, if the user saves the image to the hard disk, the browser will usually derive a filename based from the URL. For dynamically generated images, the URL is a script, and using it as the image filename may not be meaningful. In this case, the filename can be used to specify the filename to use.

The optional asAttachment argument specifies if the MIME stream is an attachment. When the browser receives an attachment, instead of displaying it, it should save it as a file. Some browsers may prompt the user for the directory to use, while others may save it to a special "download directory" without prompting the user.


image(Mandatory)An array of bytes to be sent out as a MIME stream.
filename""The suggested filename to use when user saves the chart image as a file on the browser side.
asAttachmentfalseSpecifies whether the stream is an attachment.

Return Value
