What are J2EE, Java EE and Jakarta EE?
J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a set of specifications extending the Java SE (Java Standard Edition). They include the API for web programming. Most Java web servers comply to these specifications. This allows code written for J2EE to be usable on most Java web servers. Many package names in J2EE start with "javax". An example is "javax.servlet".
After Oracle acquired SUN Microsystems (the company that developed Java), it renamed newer versions of J2EE to Java EE. Java EE is backwards compatible with J2EE.
Oracle later submitted Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation, which is home to many open source projects. Due to trademark issues, the Eclipse Foundation cannot use the Java and javax names. As a result, newer versions of Java EE are renamed to Jakarta EE, and the "javax" packages are renamed to "jakarta". For example, "javax.servlet" becomes "jakarta.servlet".
Due to the different package names, J2EE/Java EE and Jakarta EE are incompatible. That is why there are two editions of ChartDirector for Java. They are identical except one uses J2EE/Java EE for web application support, while the other uses Jakarta EE.
If you are developing for a J2EE/Java EE or Jakarta EE based web server, please use the ChartDirector edition that matches your web server. For non-web applications, either edition of ChartDirector can be used.